Friday, December 20, 2019
7:00 pm
Special Event: Wintery Songs In Eleventy Part Harmony
Price: $25.00
Wintery Songs in Eleventy Part Harmony is a loose collaboration of Boston-based musicians organized by veteran singer/songwriter Jennifer Kimball, who celebrate the holiday season with their delightful annual program of sacred, secular and wintery pop music rearranged, re-harmonized and often just plain turned on its head. Wielding fiddles, cellos, ukes, guitars and glockenspiels, this ensemble re-envisions the sounds of the season. From Sinatra to Tchaikovsky, Isaac Watts to Ana Egge, this beautifully eclectic mix of sacred and secular music inspires a reinvention of the holiday experience; one where minor keys are as familiar as major, the church has transformed into a club where all are welcome and the season’s darkness is as deep as it’s festive lights are welcoming.
A portion of the evening’s proceeds will go to Waltham House, which is the first residential group home designed specifically for LGBTQ youth in New England, and one of only three of its kind in the nation. Its founding principles are that every child deserves to live in an environment in which they feel safe, respected, supported and cared for by those around them.
Don’t miss this wonderful holiday concert!