Friday, January 4, 2019
7:30 pm
FCB Youth Group Night featuring Sway Casey
Price: $10.00
Sway Casey is an artist who wants to make music that makes you feel great or at least makes you feel better. Music that you can put on repeat. Music you can vibe to, music you can connect to, music you can chill to, music you can fall asleep to, music you can drive to, music you can dance to, music you can sway to, but, most importantly, music that you can fall in love with. Sway has performed at multiple venues across New England with the goal of spreading a bit of positivity everywhere he goes.
The first half of the night will be an open mic featuring performances from members of the First Church Youth Group, Youth Group alumni, and Belmont High students. Sign up that night. Sing a song and show your support of social action.